To The Editor:

Dear Communities,

The Harwood Unified Union School District (HUUSD) Board would like to thank the communities of Duxbury, Fayston, Moretown, Waitsfield, Warren and Waterbury for passing the school budget. We are keenly aware of the impact of the school budget on household finances, and we take your support and trust seriously. Now that the budget has passed, we will turn our attention to the important work of engaging with our community to discuss and evaluate the “whethers and hows” of school district redesign.



Christine Sullivan (Waitsfield), chair; Caitlin Hollister (Waterbury), vice chair; Alycia Biondo (Warren); Tom Cahalan (Duxbury); Jill Ellis (Fayston); Gabriel Gilman (Moretown); Peter Langella (Moretown); Garett MacCurtain (Duxbury); Maureen McCracken (Waterbury); Melissa Phillips (Waterbury); Alexandra Thomsen (Waterbury); Lorraine Wargo (Fayston); Rosemarie White (Warren); Rob Williams (Waitsfield).