To The Editor:

The Waitsfield-Fayston Fire Department would like to thank numerous entities who assisted us on a very trying day, Wednesday, January 17.

First, to our fellow responders from Moretown Fire Department, Warren Fire Department, Mad River Valley Ambulance Service and to our family members who behind the scenes keep us all going.

Next, to our support system of Capital West dispatch, Vermont State Police, the Department of Public Safety and mostly to Rodney Jones and the town road crew who allowed us to even keep operating in challenging winter conditions.

Lastly, to this amazing community and local businesses. Cody Balch, Jim Dupres, Dick Kingsbury and David Armstrong did yeoman’s work to quickly provide a much-needed excavator and sand on icy roads. Ed Read, Bobby Robinson and the crew from Mad River Property Management had materials on hand from Allen Lumber in a moment’s notice. Food and coffee were donated by both Irasville Country Store and Mehuron’s at around 8 a.m. when the local fire crews needed it most. These local businesses and dozens of citizens who checked in with responders after the call are truly what makes us Valley strong.

Finally, our thoughts and prayers go out to Barb King and her children. You and John have been an amazing part of this community, and you have also been what makes us so strong. I think about you every day, my mind’s eye seeing you walking on the Loop Road. Now that John is gone, the shoulders of this valley in the middle of Vermont are here to support you.

Our towns are growing and changing every day. We debate enthusiastically and wish to make things better. Water sources and the fire departments are very much a part of this. The challenges of medical and fire response are only going to get harder. John King was an amazingly positive and problem-solving man. In his memory, I ask the select boards and all the citizens of our fine little towns to embrace a solution which will make us all stronger.

Adam Cook, fire chief

Waitsfield-Fayston Fire Department