To The Editor:

I would to respond to Peter Oliver’s article on cross-country skiing. I operated a ski area at the lake in 1981 and we did not have much snow that year. I actually plowed up snow all around the edge of the lake to have enough to set a track and ski in. I have been in the cross-country business for 37 years and have built two ski areas and operated them both.

We have been open every day but one since we opened this year and have had as good skiing as any that you can get at the lake. The day after the big rain and 60-degree temperatures, it cooled down that night and even gave us a good coating of sleet. The skiing was great that whole weekend. The sleet came Friday night. We lost most of the snow in our fields, but 85 percent of our trails are in the woods and hold the snow very well. When conditions are bad in the field, we still have great skiing in the woods.

As far as I and my crew can remember, we have never had Peter Oliver call or stop here to write about his weekly article in the paper. We have been open every day but one since we opened this season.

Lenord Robinson

Blueberry Lake Cross Country Center