To The Editor:

It began in Vermont in 1973 and covers liquor bottles (15 cents) and soda, seltzer and beer containers (5 cents). A main purpose was to reduce litter and it keeps a lot out of landfills. When we return liquor or wine bottles, we get our deposit back.

There are attempts to repeal it in 2018 by the beverage industry, while we instead should be expanding the bill to cover water bottles, juice and sports drinks.

Unfortunately, our state is one of three (out of 10 with bottle bills) that doesn't keep "unclaimed" deposits – they're sent back to the beverage industry. We need to keep these unclaimed deposits in our state to use for funding for environmental and recycling programs.

I certainly encourage people to keep an eye on this, Google it (VT bottle bill) or by any other means. Personally I, and others, would prefer to see it expanded to keep more trash out of the environment and more money in Vermont’s pocket.

Judy Larson DiMario
