To The Editor:

As a resident of Rochester since 1997 I have enjoyed the peace, serenity and purity of the Bingo Basin region of our Green Mountain National Forest. With my husband, we have spent many hours within this region and have buried family at the Bingo cemetery on Flanders road. We specifically had sought a location which created a resting place that encompassed a sense of quiet natural beauty.

I have been made aware that an individual is requesting that the select board consider opening an untraveled portion of Pine Gap Road to include allowing motorized vehicles to utilize this location for travel and perhaps recreation. I find this suggestion to disregard the present sanctity of this location to be reckless and selfish. To propose such a change in status within this location will create the opportunity for the endangerment of wildlife habitat, the erosion of the land and the total disregard for the peace, privacy and beauty of this location, especially for the residents who call the Pine Gap Road location their home.

I stand in support of those who have voiced an objection to this proposed request. If the select board is unable to identify the reasons so many disagree with this suggested change in the use of an unused road, perhaps the board members need to re-evaluate what makes Rochester and Bingo Road, Bingo Basin and surrounding acreage such incredibly pure natural surroundings. Conservation of Bingo Basin is key in ensuring an ecological masterpiece remains free of man’s insistence on invading and destroying this natural ecosystem.

I was unable to attend the meeting on October 30, 2017, but wanted to provide the board with an additional opinion on the suggested changes to Bingo Basin and perhaps beyond.

Marifrances McIntosh
