To The Editor:

Jillian, Peter and I cannot thank you enough! We had over 450 people at our “A Heart for Jillian” fundraiser and because of the incredible turnout Jill and her young family have been given a bit of breathing room, no pun intended. The money we raised last Friday night will go to help Jillian pay some of her medical expenses and start preparing her home for when she will be put on anti-rejection medicines as part of the heart-replacement process.

We would like to give a special thank you to the following businesses for providing food and space, for without you the night would not have been the success it was: American Flatbread, Cabot Creamery, Canteen Creemee, DeFreest Farms, Littleton Co-op, Mehuron’s, North Hollow Farm, Red Hen Bakery and The Inn at Round Barn Farm. There were so many other businesses that donated services as well as provided sponsorship, and countless friends and family, we want to thank you all, but in fairness to others wishing space in the letters to the editor section, we cannot list you all individually, but please know that we appreciate each and every one of you and cannot thank you enough for your help and support.

The event was much larger than any of our wildest dreams because, once again, the folks of the Mad River Valley came through. This place has always been our home and even during challenging times, or especially during them, we cannot imagine living anywhere else.

Thank you all for your help, participation and generosity. We will be sure to keep you updated on Jillian’s progress.

Marnie and Peter DeFreest
