To The Editor:

This Thanksgiving, among my countless blessings, I feel specially blessed with the freedoms that we have and often take for granted – among them freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom to peaceably assembly. Many of us took full advantage of these in the last few weeks and indeed in the last year. Those freedoms are the firm foundation of our nation and our community.

This newspaper deserves much credit for confronting many issues. And, further to its credit, it has given generous column space to directly opposing views, imposing limits only on civility.

This month we pay homage with two holidays set aside to reflect and honor with remembrance and give thanks for the grace of those have served and are served – citizens all. The integrity of these holidays is far more honored by being challenged in thought, than to think of them as a day for a big picnic, a time to drink much beer at the end of the summer or simply thinking of them as a day off from work.

Voltaire inspired our founders: “I may disagree with what you say but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.”

In my recent interview here last week The Valley Reporter sought clarifications of my opinions. I made the boastful statement that I was willing to put my uniform back on and to fight for the freedoms they had illustrated in print, even though some it was offensive to me. Fortunately my uniform is still in the closet.

Someone might disagree that we all should be thankful that we have a free and open press in the country, the right of free speech and in the unfettered right to draw illustrations. We even have the right to display a controversial pastel bunny family about town.

May we all have a most happy and grateful Thanksgiving.

For God and country,

Fred R. Messer, Commander

Mad River American Legion Post 75