To The Editor:

More than 400 runners, including dozens from Harwood and Kimball Union Academy, and more than 100 local business partners helped make the 22nd annual Mad Dash into a memorable occasion. This year's Dash featured an irrepressible sense of community togetherness; a celebration of Eli, Liam, Mary, Cyrus and Janie; a fiery determination to run and walk under any weather conditions; and a hearty enjoyment of food, farms, families, foliage and fun. The Kids Fun Run, sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield, was (to say the least) heartwarming. The coverage by The Valley Reporter, including Keith’s cartoon, captured everything from the weather to the spirit of the crowd.

To see Steve Butcher's excellent drone shots of the race, just search for "2017 Mad Dash Youtube." (Thanks to MRVTV for assembling a great three-minute video!) The Mad River Path Association Board and staff deeply appreciate the support from so many auction donors, our title and leadership sponsors, dozens and dozens of volunteers, and all those runners and walkers who were happily and energetically jammed into the tent as the winds whipped and the rain fell before the race, only to get on the road minutes later under better (if still dramatic) conditions.

As stated by Sugarbush president Win Smith, whose company was the title sponsor of the event, reflecting the views of so many who participated, "We are delighted that the Mad Dash was such a success." Thanks everyone!

Ned Farquhar, executive director

Mad River Path Association