To The Editor:

To the citizens of the Mad River Valley,

I am the person responsible for the pastel-colored bunny family that you may have seen hopping around The Valley. I made them a year ago and started displaying them about town last spring. I continued the practice this spring. My intent was to celebrate spring, to spread joy throughout The Valley for big people and little people alike.

Though I have tried to be anonymous, I have received many, many kind words concerning the bunny family. It seems that the children especially get really excited upon discovering where they are located each week.

Unfortunately, however, the bunny family has not met with universal acceptance. A leader from one organization told me that he thought the bunnies look “too gay.” To which I took great offense on several levels. Another group simply took offense and banned the bunnies while not giving me personally a specific reason why.

It was never my intent to offend anyone in any manner. I simply wanted to spread happiness and joy after a long, cold, dark winter. I am so very sorry that I have caused consternation within some people.

As such, I have brought the bunny family home to my farm on Meadow Road permanently. Any families or individuals that desire to see the bunnies are most welcomed here. You most certainly may stop, look and take pictures. If I or my wife is home we would be pleased to have the little children come onto the porch and have their picture taken with the bunny family. And, who knows, you might see some real bunnies, though they are not pastel in color!

Again I apologize.

Fred R Messer