To The Editor:
I am writing in response to Carole Crossman’s recent letter to the editor. Crossman must be a young Democrat. She wrote about behavior, integrity and respect were lowered to zero. We had F. Roosevelt, J. F. Kennedy and W. Clinton in sexual messes.
Trump became president on January 20. He was elected to bring change to the U.S. Obama had good qualities but accomplished very little.
Trump can be a role model for young students. He had great grades, enjoyed sports and he doesn’t drink or use drugs. I think many high schoolchildren are not receiving polite training at home. Also a teacher said, “They can’t mention that subject.”
Obama did nothing for his race or for our health care.
Let’s give Trump a chance to succeed. Carole, you must have been quiet for eight years.
Phyllis Hartley
91 years young
Maplewood, NJ