To The Editor:
The family of Dana Haskin, The Valley and employees of Waitsfield and Champlain Valley Telecom (WCVT), Green Mountain Access (GMA) and Waitsfield Cable are feeling the powerful loss of one its greats.
I met Dana 19 years ago this month. Each day he would stop and chat with employees while delivering mail to each of us. At first, I didn’t know who he was and thought he was the company mail guy. I soon learned this was his way of keeping connected to his employees, his management by wandering around MBWA (Management By Walking Around). I miss him delivering my junk mail.
Dana was the heartbeat, the glue, the rah-rah guy. Company meetings began with his booming voice, “Good morning, WCVT!” When we didn’t respond loudly, “I CAN’T HEAR YOU!” would bounce off the garage walls. He ended every speech telling us that we are one family, and without employees, WCVT would not be what it is.
He stressed the importance of education, community service, customer service and employee well-being. He forged a company with a holistic viewpoint. Every part, every employee was important.
He told riddles at lunch. He attended every company event. He smiled proudly at all of us. My life is richer for knowing Dana. I’m proud to be a member of the WCVT family and a resident of this amazing valley that he called home.
Stop by the phone company and say hi. Dana would like that.
My sincerest condolences go to the family, for, as much as The Valley, fellow employees and I have lost, you have lost so much more. The Haskin legacy lives on. ...
Jeb Bouchard
Waitsfield and Champlain Valley Telecom