To The Editor and Waitsfield:

Waitsfield, you need to do the right thing for the children of this Valley. Waitsfield Select Board, you all need to step up to the plate and start advocating for the children of this Valley. Start advocating for all children.

The headline should read that Waitsfield property owners’ quarterly property tax bills will only go up by "X" (half a penny per one hundred thousand dollars of Grand List value?). This tiny amount in the increase of Waitsfield property owners' property taxes is absolutely worth it. Giving kids (and their parents) one centralized place for multiple age groups and sporting events is a tremendous opportunity for Waitsfield to do the right thing. We all hear so much talk about the future and about planning and about studies, etc. But, this is actually a real opportunity to make a real tangible difference for the community and, most importantly, for the lives of the kids in our community. Our children are our future. Don't you see that?

The money that we all invest in creating this destination for youth will be recouped unmeasurably simply by promoting healthy lifestyle choices for families. Raising kids is the toughest job out there. We all need to be advocates for kids. We all need to be advocates for families. Waitsfield Select Board, please do the right thing for families and kids!

Corinthia Richards