To The Editor:
I am certain that many of your readers have noticed quite a few homemade speed limit signs now dotting the landscape.
Many are in Waterbury and/or Montpelier and state “drive like your kids live here.” Good advice.
Others are folksier and often look like the old Burma Shave roadside advertisements. All implore our friends and neighbors to please take it easy as they traverse our bucolic back roads and rural villages, for that matter.
We are all guilty of endangering each other by driving too fast for rural conditions.
Am I looking for more enforcement? No. I simply want everyone to be aware of the dangers of going too fast and how this bad habit is being exacerbated by talking and texting.
Look at yourselves, folks, and you decide if your driving habits need adjustment. Chances are they do.
In Title 23 of the Vermont Motor Vehicle Statutes there is a basic speed law. It basically states:
Every operator of every vehicle shall operate said vehicle in a wise and prudent manner, taking into account the posted limits, road, weather and any adverse conditions and adjust their speed and operation accordingly. This rule is to include any and all road users, especially being aware of bikers, pedestrians and vulnerable road users.
Schools are in session again, the leaf peepers are arriving and soon Mother Nature will change the driving environment even further.
I truly hope we are all capable of adjusting our driving styles and hopefully drive like our kids live here, because they do.
Thanks for listing and buckle up.
John Lynch