To The Editor:

I was disappointed to read The Valley Floor in the April 28 edition in which you lambasted the Mad River Car Wash. “What is the deal with the carwash?” is a more befitting start to a Seinfeld or Fallon routine, but an inappropriate segue into an article – even an intended lighthearted one – in this paper. I'm presuming the piece was meant to be tongue in cheek, as many in The Valley Floor are. If so, it missed the mark. If not, this column is an unsuitable forum for a serious complaint, if you have one. Especially as we see business after business fold up in The Valley, it is disheartening to see one bashed that has kept alive a basic and oft-used service. The VR's digs are unfair, unfunny and unfortunate for a paper of such otherwise reputable journalism. No, I have no horror stories about the carwash, and, yes, I do wear muck boots when I use it, because – it's a carwash (and more often than not, that's what I wear anyway).

Please reconsider your humor and your ill-conceived comments about a fine business managed and maintained by hard-working and honest folks who want to keep commerce alive in this Valley. If you do so, you just might retain more readers willing to shell out the additional 25 cents for your paper.

Margaret Johnson