To The Editor:

I’m doing my best to put the race for the presidency out of my mind. Thankfully, Vermont has a respectable slate of candidates for governor, all of whom would make good leaders.

I want a governor who knows the state, the people and the job and who will focus on the basics of a clean, safe state with a healthy economy. I want to get my money’s worth relative to the taxes I pay. I want someone I can trust. I support Phil Scott for governor. He’s a listener and consensus builder.

Another thing I like about Phil is that he signs a lot of paychecks. He appreciates business for more than its tax revenue. We need a governor who has built a strong business from the ground up, after his first entrepreneurial dream died because state government was too slow and overregulating.

When the economy flourishes, so does state revenue. When it suffers, revenue suffers. What matters more, people suffer. Phil "gets it."

Jon Jamieson