To The Editor:

The Warren Village Dam Preservation Trust’s intentions were revealed by Ellen Strauss’ opinion in last week’s paper – further foot dragging and delay. While Ellen is correct that the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) has not officially rejected the trust’s application, the ANR has made crystal clear that it does not see any way that a dam at this site could meet the standards set forth by law. The trust seems to be ignoring the ANR’s guidance, as well as the will of the community to remove the dam as voiced at the Warren Town Meeting.

If the trust truly has the best interest of the community at heart, it should move quickly to file a final application that addresses the ANR’s open issues, specifically how the trust’s proposal meets the requirements of Vermont law as set forth in 10 V.S.A. § 1023 (a) (1), (2) and (3). This should not be a time-consuming task because Ellen’s opinion piece detailed the trust’s likely responses, which the ANR can evaluate in light of contradictory evidence. The trust should also request that the ANR make a definitive decision with respect to the trust’s proposal to repair or rebuild the Warren timber crib dam.

If the ANR approves, the trust can proceed with raising funds to complete the project. If the ANR denies, the trust should work with the Warren Select Board and Friends of the Mad River to develop a plan to remove the dam and stabilize the riverbanks. It can then file the necessary application with the ANR to authorize dam removal.

The bickering over the dam has gone on for 15 years. The trust has owned the dam for the last 11 years but has yet to finalize a plan for moving forward. In the meantime, the dam and millpond have become a safety hazard, an eyesore and an embarrassment for Warren Village. It is time for a definitive resolution.

Chris Kirchen