To The Editor:

I would like to commend Renee Pierce for her outstanding job of organizing and handling Tuesday's Town Meeting. She was calm and professional when the counter didn't work until the repair tech arrived and got it working. The incredible amount of people who either didn't fill out their ballots correctly, put them in the wrong slot and mangled their ballot by folding and erasing them causing the machine to spit them out. One man came in and insisted he had to vote because he works overseas! Renee made it happen!

Volunteer help called last minute to cancel and Renee was left scrambling to find help which she did and they were a great help!

Big shoutout to Melanie and Lexi! They put in a 15-hour day as did I with no complaints and afterward Renee and her daughter Melanie went back to the town office to enter the results into the state computers. Just great teamwork and support from those that did help. As a town resident, I thank you all!

Marie Leotta