To The Editor:

Waitsfield United Church of Christ and Village Meeting House just launched a capital campaign to modernize the building. Though I am not a member, I have attended numerous weddings, funerals potluck suppers and meetings within these walls. The building is simply beautiful. “Simply” being the operative word. It is exceptional.

Over the years I have stopped to photograph every season there, to note the lineup of uniformed firemen saluting a fallen comrade, flower girls running and giggling on her steps, beautiful brides anticipating a new life and a basement full of turkey dinners ready for distribution to those less fortunate.

In recent history, the free community dinners have drawn us out of the hills to enjoy a few laughs and to catch up with our neighbors. In fact, many of you were probably introduced to The Valley in this meeting place. I encourage you to support the campaign with a donation, however small, so that your children will know her as we do.

Judy Phelon