To The Editor:

Gun violence is one of America’s greatest tragedies and a huge public health crisis. The cost to society is estimated at $100 billion annually.

A few of the sobering numbers: The U.S. averages 32,000 deaths annually from gunshots, as well as 74,000 nonfatal gunshot injures.

Three thousand deaths are children younger than 15. A gun in the home that is not properly stored and used is 22 times more likely to injure or kill someone who lives in the home than an intruder. I'm a physician and have seen many tragedies unfold due to poorly stored firearms. I am also a hunter and gun owner and feel that buying, storing and using my weapons safely is one of my greatest responsibilities. It is time for government to enact laws that mandate sensible gun safety measures, just as was done (very successfully) with the automobile industry. Sue Minter is the only candidate for governor who has the courage to take a stand on this critical issue. She has my vote.

Richard Burgoyne, M.D.