To The Editor:

As an occasional resident of Waitsfield, I am writing on behalf of a good friend of mine who lives in New Hampshire and who bought an antique piece of furniture a year or so ago. In it she found a remarkable, handwritten account of life in the household of a Waitsfield farming family in the 19th century. This diary was written almost every day from 1894 to 1898. The finder of the book, Mrs. Susan Francis, is in the process of self-publishing this fascinating account and would like to trace any descendants living in The Valley.

The farmer's name was Hiram Freeman Stoddard and his wife was Adeline, nee Palmer, Stoddard. They had two daughters, Gertrude and Chery. The family had relatives and friends who lived in Warren as well as Waitsfield.

If any reader of your fine newspaper has any connection with or is related to this Stoddard family, would they please contact Mrs. Francis by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

I would be most grateful if you could publish this letter at the earliest opportunity.

Keith Taylor
Cambridge, MA