To The Editor:

This is a letter of gratitude to the fine members of Mad River Valley Ambulance Service.

"Hearts of gold, champions of humanity, these words fall short about how I feel toward the men and women of Mad River Valley Ambulance Service who serve freely with faith and the desire for the safety of their fellow man. On Friday, January 23, my home was at 50 degrees when I fell asleep on the couch while working on my computer. This was not the first ambulance ride I have been given after several after years of chronic problems of diverticulitis, a colon resection and lately post op three weeks and five days ago a hernia repair from an incision opening. The crew spent one and one-half hours stabilizing me.

I awoke at 6:30 a.m. on January 24 and emailed my home nurse, who luckily was just using her computer and she called me and immediately after hearing my symptoms called 911. As my email came through I was back in bed, but it would have been to no avail. She, Ms. Irina Assure, RN, called me and then called 911 knowing my condition, which was hypothermia.

I implore anyone who can afford to send a donation, I know many do. But also if you have the health, state of mind and desire to join a crew of unselfish men and women who live for the betterment of mankind, see if you got the spirit.

Thank you from the heart.

Garrett Shivo
Alpine Village, Warren
