To The Editor:

Last fall I had an accident from which I was unable to extricate myself. At about 2 p.m., I was walking home on Route 100 when I came to Old County Road where the new sidewalk had been put in. To get to the beginning of this sidewalk, I had to cross about three feet of straw-covered berm. When I put my right foot on the straw, I immediately sank in almost liquid mud to my knee. Then I tried to put my left foot to the sidewalk except that I lost my balance and my rear end also went deep into the mud. There was no one nearby and nothing for me to grab onto.

After struggling for a few minutes, a car passed by, saw me and turned around and parked and the driver came to my rescue. He was a godsend but I was traumatized and after a thank you, I trudged home past the farmstand.

That night I realized I had to do something for this young man in thanks. I have recalled that I'd met him before but was unsure if I remembered his name. I thought it was Ralph but I hadn't the presence of mind to note his license plate. Be aware I'm 89 years old with a faltering memory and I'm hoping that someone will know Ralph (with a gray car) and ask him to call me. My number is in the current Waitsfield directory and I'd like to reward him for his gallantry.

Lucille Hampton
