To The Editor:

The following is just one service member's frustrating and costly interaction with US Airways. As they learned theirs was not an anomaly but seems to be a regular occurrence for service members when using US Airways. See for more people having problems.

In September 2014, a United States naval commander and his family were traveling home to visit family and friends. Due to an unforeseen military OPS that kept the commander from flying on his scheduled day he was forced to alter his plans and fly another day. US Airways allowed him to change his flight date without the usual $75 charge. After changing his flight, US Airways instead charged him a $200 fare difference, not accepting his military obligation as reason enough to waive the additional fees.

Problems plagued the commander and his family on their trip home. After finding that their flight was going to be too late to make their connection, a US Airways employee at their departure airport assured them they would receive vouchers for a hotel so they did not have to spend the night in the airport prior to their flight the next day. Upon arrival in Philadelphia, they talked to a US Airways representative who denied that a voucher was possible and implied that they were being untruthful in asking for a voucher. Upon showing the representative evidence on his smartphone that they were telling the truth they acquiesced and reluctantly gave him the voucher for his small daughters, wife and himself.

After repeated attempts by the commander's family to contact US Airways representatives to discuss this incident and work with the airlines, his family has not heard anything from US Airways. The cold shoulder treatment of US Airways toward a member of the military who is putting his life on the line has upset his family to the point that they are taking out advertisements and writing letters to express their displeasure.

Steve Crossman
Warren, VT
