To The Editor:

In this time of reflection and giving thanks, I want to acknowledge and thank all those who, in one way or another, participated in my journey after the ATV accident on August 10, 2014. Some of you were there as Waterbury EMTs, some from Backcountry Rescue. Some of you with camps in the Woodard Hill area came to help lift the board and drive me down to the ambulance in your own side by side. One of you stayed with me with your dog until all the emergency people arrived. Some visited me in some scary institutions. Thank you for everything you did. You helped another even though you didn't know me. I am truly grateful for all of you. Because of you and your kindness, I continue to have a speedy recovery from the multiple fractures I received that day. May you be as blessed as I am and your kindness returned in ways you can't even imagine.

Leslie Russell
