To The Editor:

I support Heidi Spear and Ed Read in the upcoming elections. It's time for new independent people in our Legislature -- people who aren't wedded to political party machines or to the status-quo of the nanny-police state.

While education, health care and the economy are in major trouble, Montpelier incumbents waste untold time "protecting" people with more victimless crime police-state laws about cellphones and seat belts. What's next; banning bananas while driving?

Meanwhile Vermont's government spends twice as much per person as New Hampshire with worse results, wastes $100 million on a health insurance "marketplace" website that doesn't work even with only two insurance choices (is two choices a marketplace?). Our centrally planned education system is a hopeless disaster, yet Montpelier experts suggest more central planning and consolidation as the cure.

Thank you Adam and Maxine for your service. Now it's Heidi and Ed's turn to see what they can do.

Gaelan Brown
