To The Editor:
The Washington County state's attorney has a greater impact on the lives of Vermonters than all other elected offices. We believe this race deserves your close attention and we urge your support for Scott Williams.
On a daily basis, the state's attorney confronts the most difficult problems in our society: domestic violence, drug addiction, burglary and many others. Scott Williams has a demonstrated ability to communicate effectively and develop good relationships with law enforcement and community stakeholders.
Scott understands the complexity of domestic violence and will work with CIRCLE (formerly Battered Women's Services and Shelter) and other victims' groups to address this problem in an effective and respectful way, recognizing that an immediate and forceful response is often necessary, while acknowledging the rights and desires of victims of violence.
We encourage you to join us in supporting Scott Williams for the position of Washington County state's attorney.
Mayor Thom Lauzon, Barre
Mayor John Hollar, Montpelier