To The Editor:

To the person or persons who smashed out the front and rear passenger windows of my truck on Wednesday night, September 17, between 9 and 10 p.m.

I must say I am utterly astonished by your cowardice. If there were a Nobel Prize for cowards, it would bear your name. When I was coming up if one had a problem with someone, the thing to do would be to confront the person and deal with it like a man. I can picture you sitting there in the parking lot of East Warren Schoolhouse listening to me on the radio and knowing that I was busy producing my show and probably wearing headphones. Wow! What courage it must have taken you to get out of your buddy's rig and throw rocks at my truck. The fact that you didn't bother to steal the loose dollar bills on the front seat or the tools on the back seat clearly indicates that this was a hate crime directed at me personally. My hope for you is that you aspire to live at least one day of your life with courage but the pathological level of your cowardice leads me to think you are a bit long in the tooth to suddenly sprout a pair of gonads. If, as I suspect, there was a driver involved, you will be immune from prosecution if you assist in bringing justice to this case. You obviously know where to find me. The original owner of my truck was my stepbrother, Sergeant 1st Class Schuyler Haynes, who was killed in Iraq a few days before Thanksgiving in 2006. I find it ironic that a truck owned by a U.S. Army soldier would be attacked in such a cowardly way.

Peter Stevenson
