To The Editor:

To the woman with long, white hair who drives a silver Honda CR-V with VT plates:

I am a student of whom you rudely insulted at the four corners near East Warren Community Market. Myself, along with many others, were rudely offended when you pulled up behind the Harwood bus, making a very tight corner over the edge of the road and nearly running my friend over, to which all you had to say was:

"I know you're from Harwood, so I know you're probably dumb, but you need to clear out of the road."

Thank you for your display of courtesy and respect. People say to have respect and courtesy toward our elders.

Courtesy is owed, respect is earned, and you displayed a very fine example of neither and lack thereof, when you pulled over telling us to get out of the road, and that because we're from Harwood, that we're stupid.

We're smart enough to know that you were in the wrong. We understand that the four corners is a dangerous stop, but we students were nowhere near either edge; you were over it.

We will choose to respect our elders when they choose to respect us.

Fiona Adams on behalf of the students of Harwood, East Warren
