To The Editor:

To the person who hit my car in the parking lot at Mad River Park on Wednesday, September 3, 2014, between 5 and 5:30 p.m.:

I want to say "shame on you." Did you think that I would not notice the blue paint/dent/scratches you left on my silver car when you hit my car while dropping your child off for soccer practice at Kingsbury Field? What did you think you would tell your family and friends when they saw the damage and loss of paint on your car? (Well, now they know.)

You did not even have the common decency or consideration to leave a note just to say, "Sorry I hit your car."

You damage someone else's property and then take off so you do not have to be responsible for the damage you caused – nice values you are teaching your children!

This type of action speaks volumes as to the type of person you appear to be: inconsiderate of other people's property and dishonest.

M. Cochran
