We are fortunate to have four candidates seeking two Vermont House seats to represent Washington 2 legislative district, covering Waitsfield, Moretown, Fayston, Duxbury and Warren. One is an incumbent and three are new to the race.





As the November general election approaches, The Valley Reporter will be focusing on these candidates and their policies and priorities.

One major area of concern for almost everyone who heats their home with propane or fuel oil is the projected cost of Vermont’s “clean heat standard.” The costs per gallon of implementing this program-designed to help Vermonters, particularly low-income Vermonters transition from fossil fuels to cleaner energy, has varied widely. Initially the cost was projected $0.70 per gallon -- recent reports have been less clear after an analysis by Rhode Island-based consultants, the NV5 company. That analysis didn’t offer an updated per gallon cost, although some reports peg that cost as high a $1.70 per gallon-something lawmakers who support the bill have said they will not accept.

The NV5 company will have a final cost per gallon estimate next year when the Legislature returns in January and has a final chance to approve, or reject the bill which Governor Phil Scott vetoed in June.




The clean heat standard is supposed to work by incentivizing fuel suppliers to help Vermonters get off fossil fuels. The bill regulates fuel suppliers, requiring them to offset the climate emissions caused by their products. They do so by installing cleaner heating systems for their customers or by paying a fee.

There is no way those “fees” are going to be covered by the businesses. They will absolutely be passed on to users. In theory, those fees will be collected and somehow distributed to low-income Vermonters who can’t afford to install heat pumps or cleaner heating systems. Additionally, those collected fees could be used for improving building/home heating efficiency with insulation, better windows, solar hot water, advanced wood heat, biofuels, etc.

As Vermont recovers from still yet another 100-year flood we understand the importance of reducing our carbon footprints – but this bill is flawed and will ultimately hurt our neighbors.

As the November general election approaches, we ask our readers to share their concerns and questions for the candidates. Please send them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.