The Mad River Valley Planning District (MRVPD) is currently collating and analyzing the results of its 2024 community wellness survey. The survey, first offered in 2021, asks residents, second homeowners and visitors to help the tri-town planning district take the temperature of our community on a variety of critical subjects.





Survey participants weighed in our social, emotional, physical, financial health and shared thoughts about the efficacy and focus of local government as well as state government. The 111-page report includes over 1,000 written comments which offers an incredible perspective on local thoughts, but also a very valuable tool for local governments to prioritize work plans and objectives.

The planning district is sharing survey results with local select boards and other organizations and boards with a vested interest in the results and the district will use those findings as it creates its work plan for the coming year and the years beyond that.

That means that the data is used versus just created and read!

And just like that

Wasn’t Memorial Day just last week? And the Fourth of July yesterday? How is it that kids are already back to school and we’re watching for frost warnings for the garden?

It can’t be that time yet, there are still too many ripe tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers in the garden. The grass still needs mowing weekly. Who is ever ready to yield the longer days to the colder, darker ones?

September is a transition month where we revel in the first splashes of red and orange foliage and enjoy wearing fleece for morning dog walks. This summer has been a stellar one with plenty of long hot days (albeit with July flooding) and blue skies for much of it. It’s hard to leave that behind but we’re not in charge.

Let’s enjoy the light while it lasts and stack the wood and can the tomatoes and leave the rest of the carrots in the ground for Thanksgiving. It will be Christmas tomorrow and MLK the day after that and Memorial Day the following week.