To The Editor:

I watched the recent Waitsfield Select Board meeting on local television this weekend and, oh boy, this town is in for a wild ride now that the tea party has taken over.

The board’s new chair, Paul Hartshorn, who has never voted in favor of anything other than a new fire truck and once called the historic village a ghetto, wants to move the town hall to the Valley Professional Center next to the garbage dump and state salt shed.

Our new board member Chris Pierson ran on a platform of not spending money and now says that his highest priority is building a new road across the Joslin compound from the East Warren Road, through farmland and floodplains, across an unstable stretch of the Mad River to connect Route 100 next to the school. How much will this boondoggle cost taxpayers?

Our other new board member Scott Kingsbury always appears to be looking around for a lost dime. Seeing as he used his position on the school board to try and bankrupt the town water project, we shouldn’t be surprised that he promptly got himself appointed to the town’s water commission. Now that the town has finally put that controversy behind us, what purpose (or whose interest?) is he trying to serve?

Never in the more than a dozen years that I’ve lived in Waitsfield have I worried for the future of the town, but I sure do now. I encourage all town voters to not let these tea partiers get away with their radical agenda.


H. Motes




