Teams from Spaulding, U32, and Montpelier will also be participating. Harwood is hoping to have total "pink outs" for home games, with fans and friends all wearing pink T-shirts or hats, etc. to show support.

At Harwood, many other teams have joined in the event: Varsity gymnasts will be wearing black leotards with the breast cancer pink ribbon to compete during that time, and several of the boys' teams will be wearing pink headbands, shoelaces, etc. The Harwood cheer squad created a Hope for a Cure CHARM Roll. These pink rolls will be available in the high school and middle school for people to write messages of hope, thanks and remembrances. CHARM stands for: Cherish your family and friends; Honor cancer survivors; raise Awareness; Remember lost loved ones; Make a difference by contributing to the cause. They were introduced at the pep rally on December 11, and then made available from then through the January 5 to 18 events.

Teams would like community members to join them in the fund-raising and awareness campaign. Organizers have purchased pink jerseys for the two teams from each school to wear for home games that long week. After the games are done, the girls will have the option of buying their uniform back for a donation. Jerseys that are not "bought" back will be sold and/or auctioned off for a donation as well.

During school hours and at the games, organizers will also sell pink T-shirts that fans can purchase to show their support. These shirts will have a unique design and will represent hockey, basketball and Central Vermont.

There are others ways people can help. Each school needs to raise about $1,000 to pay for the costs of the basketball and hockey jerseys. Any amount of donation will help. For each $60 donation, each business will be given a thank-you pink t-shirt. After paying for the purchase of the uniforms, all money raised through the sale of jerseys and T-shirts will be donated to Breast Cancer Research.

The girls' schedule for this time period is as follows:

Jan. 5: Girls' Basketball Home 5:30/7:00; Gymnastics Home 6:00
Jan. 6 Girls' Hockey @ U32 6:00
Jan. 8: Gymnastics Home 6:00
Jan. 9 Girls' Hockey Home 5:00
Jan. 11 Girls' Hockey Home 4:00
Jan. 15 Girls' Basketball Home 5:30/7:00
Jan. 16: Gymnastics Home 11:00; Girls Hockey Home 6:00

For more information, contact Sue Duprat at Harwood, 882-1156,