Cost includes greens fees, shared cart, range balls, prizes, raffle, silent auction (to include season pass from Mad River Glen, Sugarbush Mount Ellen season pass). The tournament is followed by a four-course dinner with wine at the Common Man Restaurant. To register a team, contact Shawn Sullivan at 802-578-6000 or send e-mail to

The event is held by a group of local men who run a nonprofit, with no paid staff for this event. They hold this event on their own time as a personal endeavor to help their fellow Vermonter. Tournament organizers and founders include Shawn D. Sullivan, Terry Kernan and Keith Paxman.
The Vermont Military Family Assistance Fund, Inc. (VMFAF) is a private, nonprofit organization that has been instituted for the express purpose of providing emergency financial assistance to mobilize active duty service members and their families. It is for the benefit of any Vermont service member and their families that live within the geographical boundaries of the state of Vermont. It is also for service members that live outside the state of Vermont, but belong to a Vermont unit. It was chartered in 1991 during Desert Storm. It is a volunteer organization with no paid staff. It has a 501C3 nonprofit status (tax ID: 22-3092779). All funding is through donations. Donations may be made to the VMFAF, P.O. Box 26, Essex Junction, VT 05453. All donations are tax deductible. Everyone that sends in a donation will receive a receipt with the tax number of the VMFAF, so that it may be listed on their taxes.