This year's team was comprised of: Philip Kellem of Moretown and Barre, Christopher Riley and Grace Kirpan of Moretown, Gabriell Teran of Montpelier, Bennett Townley of Williston, and new team member Tommy Johnson of Waitsfield.
All six athletes competed in the intermediate division this year, a step up for Christopher, Bennett, Grace and Tommy. Phillip Kellem, a veteran competitor of more than 15 Winter Games, was the winner of two gold medals and a silver. Teran was a solid competitor in all three events winning three silver medals. Townley won a bronze and two fifth-place ribbons. Riley, Johnson, and Kirpan all brought home ribbons as well.
The athletes thanked head coach Henry Erikson for his continued dedication, assistant coaches Rich Reisner and Ellen Riley, Sugarbush, the many volunteers from Vermont Adaptive, and Maggie Burke, program coordinator for Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports at Sugarbush.
For information on how to become involved with Vermont Adaptive at Sugarbush, call program coordinator Maggie Burke at 583-4283 or visit the website: