Lynsey Nagle

The Flyin’ Ryan Hawks Foundation has named Lynsey Nagle, Moretown as the winner of a new Adventure Scholarship.





Lynsey Nagle

Lynsey’s Core Values

1. Love and live life with no regrets

2. Appreciate nature and all of its gifts

3. Be true to yourself

4. Be courageous and face challenges

5. Believe in your ability and self worth

6. Show eagerness and excitement in


7. Be loyal to your loved ones

Lynsey Nagle is a 16-year-old from Moretown, Vermont. She is a competitive big mountain skier out of Mad River Glen and has been skiing since the age of 2. She also enjoys hiking, biking, playing softball, watching the sun set and rise, working out, and spending time with loved ones. She will be using her award to help fund her trip to the Junior World championship in Kappl Austria this January, which she also qualified for in 2024.

The Flyin Ryan Adventure Scholarship Program exists to provide monetary awards to assist

adventurers of all kinds, from all around the world, in pursuing their passions. Applicants must come up with their own set of core values and demonstrate character, passion for their goal and financial

need. To date Flyin’ Ryan Hawks Foundation has given out over 120 awards. Learn more and apply at

The Flyin’ Ryan Hawks Foundation was formed in 2011 to extend the impact of the life of Ryan Hawks who, at the age of 25, tragically died while competing on the freeride world ski tour. Before he died, he composed his 14 principles for living. The Flyin’ Ryan Hawks Foundation has focused its mission around the concept that “core values matter.”