The August 14 Harwood Fun Run attracted over 30 runners to the trails at Crossett Brook. The final Fun Run of the summer was held on Wednesday, August 21. Results were not available at press time. Photo courtesy of Tom Cahalan.

Over 30 people showed up for the Harwood Union cross-country summer Fun Run last Wednesday, August 14, at Crossett Brook Middle School. Organizers reported that a lot of families came to run together. Jackson Migonis of Waterbury took first place in the kids followed by Ryder and Maverick Lessor of Moretown and Ada Reid of Middlesex. Riley Isham of Duxbury took first place in the 3K with a time of 19:49 followed by Kassie Reid of Middlesex at 20:00 and Heather Lessor of Moretown at 20:10.




In the 5K Brody Hackett and Vince Wing of Waterbury Center battled it out at the finish to tie at 21:50 followed by Christopher Cummiskey of Warren at 22:00, Andrew Reid of Middlesex at 22:38, Colin McDonough of Waterbury Center at 22:42, Jake Pitman of Waterbury at 22:49, Heidi Haraldsen of Waterbury Center at 23:16, Indy Metcalf of North Duxbury at 23:25, Alison Migonis of Waterbury at 24:24, Patrick Migonis of Waterbury at 24:25, Wyatt Ross of Waterbury Center at 25:00, Andy Metcalf of North Duxbury 25:35, Karissa McDonough of Waterbury Center at 26:00, Celia Wing of Waterbury Center at 27:07, Julia Cisz of Duxbury at 27:52, Serena Wilcox of North Duxbury at 28:24, Trey Isham of Duxbury at 39:43, Colin Smith of North Duxbury at 31:49, Tim Smith of North Duxbury at 31:51, Alexandria Isham of Duxbury at 32:26, Heidi Higgins Cutler of Moretown at 33:19 and Eireann McDonough of Waterbury Center at 34:30.

The final Fun Run of the summer was held on Wednesday, August 21, at Crossett Brook Middle School in Duxbury.