With the increased interest in backcountry skiing and riding, backcountry organizations have established “managed backcountry ski zones” throughout New England.

The Mad River Valley Backcountry Coalition (MRVBC), the Catamount Trail Association (CTA), and Sugarbush Resort will host the third annual Mad River Valley Earn-Your-Turns Roundtable. The event will be held on December 9 from 6 to 9 p.m. at Sugarbush Resort (Rumble’s Kitchen). Organizers are anticipating another lively discussion this year, with a deep-dive into topics surrounding the establishment and management of new managed backcountry ski zones in Vermont.



Interest in backcountry skiing and riding continues to increase in Vermont and beyond, said spokesperson Steve Sharp. Backcountry organizations have established “managed backcountry ski zones” throughout New England, particularly in northern areas where terrain and snow provide the best opportunities. Meanwhile, concerns continue to mount over the fate of certain species that frequent the same areas. Such concerns are not limited to backcountry skiing and have been a point of discussion at other Valley gatherings such as a forum hosted by the Mad River Valley Trail Collaborative this past September.


The Earn-Your-Turns Roundtable will bring together experts from Vermont Fish and Wildlife, Vermont Forest Parks and Recreation, Green Mountain National Forest and professionals in the field of landscape ecology to explore a range of topics and questions including

  • How can new zones be sited with both local and landscape level perspectives in mind?
  • What do current monitoring efforts tell us about potential impacts?
  • Should consistent methods be used by different land management agencies (federal/state)?
  • Will siting and monitoring protocols help ensure sustainability while also accommodating new zones?

MRVTV will be there to record the event. Visit the event webpage for additional details https://www.mrvbc.org/events/roundtable