Dig out those stretch pants, runaway straps and bamboo poles of yesteryear and celebrate Skiing History Day at Mad River Glen with the International Skiing History Association (ISHA) and Skiing History magazine. Mark the calendar for Friday, February 28, and don some vintage skiwear and join fellow ski history buffs for a day at one of the few ski resorts that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Wax nostalgic and celebrate Mad River’s legendary 72-year history. All are welcome to join in this ski down memory lane. To explore Mad River’s place in skiing’s history, visit www.madriverglen.com/history/.
Check in and register on the third floor of the ski area's Basebox, pick up a goodie bag and lift ticket and find a mountain guide. The registration table will be open from 8 a.m. till noon. Following the morning of skiing, a noon buffet luncheon awaits registrants who will join Mad River notables, ISHA members and longtime Valley ski fans on the third floor of the Basebox. To prepurchase online lift tickets or lift and lunch tickets or lunch only visit bit.ly/SkiHistory.
Here is the schedule: From 8:30 a.m. to noon, guided mountain skiing; noon to 1:20, lunch and heritage presentation; 1:30 to 4:50, guided mountain skiing; 3:30 to 5 p.m., informal gathering for apres ski in General Stark’s Pub (cash bar).
For online preregistration go to bit.ly/SkiHistory.
Luncheon attendees are encouraged to wear vintage attire; prizes are to be determined.
At 12:30 p.m., step into Mad River Glen’s history with colorful presentations by Dr. E J. B. Allen, John Schultz and Rick Moulton. Mad River was one of the state’s earliest operating ski areas, opening on December 11, 1948, with its now famous Single Chair. Preserved and authentically reproduced as an updated single, it continues as the longest operating single chair lift in the world. ISHA representatives will be on hand and free copies of the popular Skiing History magazine will be available with membership information about joining this international nonprofit organization.
In addition to publishing Skiing History six times a year in print and online, the International Skiing History Association (ISHA) maintains skiinghistory.org, the internet’s most extensive website for information about the sport’s history. In addition, ISHA presents annual awards for the year’s best ski history books, films and creative media. Additional Lifetime Achievement Awards are given to people and organizations that present or preserve skiing’s heritage. This year’s ISHA awards will be presented on March 26 at Sun Valley, Idaho. Learn more at www.skiinghistory.org.events.