By Claire Pomer, Harwood Union correspondent

Harwood Middle School students, along with Fayston and Warren fifth and sixth graders, have held their second T-shirt design contest. The contest is in collaboration with Splinters Board Shop, a snowboarding store in Warren. 





“This year is extra significant because elementary schoolers got to participate,” said Katie Kenney, an extended learning and work-based coordinator at HUMS and Crossett Brook who helped bring together the contest. The winner, a fifth grader from Warren, has his design on sale at the store. 

Travis Kerr, the owner of Splinters, worked with Kenney to create the process, which wasn’t as simple as just designing shirts. Students had to create a presentation on graphic design to present to their peers, which helped improve their public speaking skills alongside their design skills. Students spoke with a professional graphic designer, Ryan Dreimiller, about his experience. 


About 20 students entered from Fayston, Warren, and HUMS, 63 voted in the contest. The fifth-grade winner was announced earlier this year, and his shirt is on sale at Splinters. 

This is the second year of the contest, but it’s the first time that elementary schoolers have been able to participate. Previously, only Harwood middle schoolers were allowed to submit a design. 

All proceeds that the shirt will make will go to the Warren Skate Park, a local park that has a deep meaning to many kids from The Valley. Many students have also shopped at Splinters, and it's very meaningful to them to be involved in the local profits.