Regarding the laudable pieces last week by Peter Oliver and Mal Simon, of course, right-wingers will denigrate Vermont. They know right well that Vermont's electoral votes will go to President Obama, barring some unforeseen catastrophe. Wish we had more electoral votes.
Then there is the matter of our revered Senator Sanders. The ideal form of democracy is one with enough in the way of social programs so there is a safety net under everyone for food, shelter, health care and educational opportunity and enough capitalism for personal incentive (that does not mean millionaires and billionaires should be able to buy elections). Obviously, this scenario is easier said than done but we should be moving in that direction. Right-wing Republicans cynically want to go back to the days of the robber barons.
Interesting footnote here. A large percentage of the Republican base consists of right-wing fundamentalist creationist so-called "Christians." More about that in a future indictment. If one reads the New Testament with any degree of discernment and intelligence, they would, of necessity, realize that the early Christians were and indeed Christ himself was a socialist. But of course our fundamentalist brothers and sisters are in severe psychological denial about that, just as they misinterpret the Old Testament to the point that they are not in touch with reality.
I originally did not want to be a part of recriminations between the parties, but seeing what this current batch of malevolent Republicans have become, I am bound to speak. After causing this recession and seeing millions of their victims lose their jobs and homes, they then mock those who need relief and food stamps. They are still doing so. Then they turn around and attempt to blame the president. It takes 10 years to recover from a recession of this magnitude especially with an accompanying housing collapse. President Obama is ahead of schedule on that in spite of Republican obstruction. But then, Republicans have already admitted that they will take no heed of fact checking, as witness Governor Romney's disgusting attack on the president in the midst of the crises in the Middle East.
Right-wing Republicans have made no secret of the fact that they seek total control of the government. In right-wing parlance there is a name for that type of government. Can you guess what it is?
The media war between MSNBC and Fox news is a microcosm of the two- party situation. MSNBC is biased. They are slanted. No question about it. But they admit it! Fox News, on the other hand, claims to be “fair and balanced.” That's a hoot. As a generalization only, MSNBC watchers tend to be a bit better educated and more intelligent. We can usually spot it when MSNBC slips in the "hype." Except for the Zombie-like viewers of Fox, I wonder if Fox News knows that they are being universally laughed at with scorn and derision? Only thing worse is the abhorrent Rush Limbaugh. Yet Fox News retains high ratings. This is yet another example of the dumbing down of America.
A third party would be a good idea. All they need is a candidate with the charisma of Bill Clinton.
Yes, both parties slant the truth and lie. But then there are liars and damned liars.
Lusen lives in Warren.