Denise Fuoco, who first worked with children in the Moretown Elementary
School and then moved on to assist in the continuing education of those
students in Harwood High School, has been deemed "unsuitably" qualified
to remain in her position. The reason given is that she has not passed
the required tests or submitted the proper test results to the powers
that be, so that in turn they can be submitted to those who control the
purse strings, i.e., government guideline gurus.
What in the world happened to common sense? What has happened to the
ultimate goal of providing the best learning environment and best
education possible for our children? Anyone who has seen Denise teach
and interact with her students or who has had their own children in her
program knows that there are few teachers who care more about their
students than Denise Fuoco. She has adapted her teaching methods to
afford these challenged students the best individualized instruction and
learning experience, and has provided the care and compassion that has
helped these children adapt and grow and become confident in their
educational endeavors.
Denise herself has overcome personal learning obstacles to attain her
proficiency as a teacher and has done so with flying colors. She has
strived to achieve a high level of competency in her field and should be
awarded the respect and recognition that she so fairly deserves. She
has created a positive and nurturing atmosphere in her relationships to
the children in her care, and the results speak for themselves. The
empathy she feels for her students is evident.
When bureaucratic requirements debase the basic logic of what is truly
in the best interest for our children and their future, we have lost a
vital connection within our society. The art of compromise seems to be
nearly extinct. Personal interests and agendas rule the world and sad is
the result.
To those of you who have within your power (now there's a key phrase) to
stand up for what is truly the right thing to do here, and make the
arguments or provide the alternatives to allow this very valuable
teacher to continue doing her good work, I implore you to please do so.
The catch phrase "no child left behind" is nothing but that if all it
really amounts to is money.
There needs to be a system in place to help those who do not fall within
the cookie-cutter mold provided. There are many intelligent, creative
and immeasurably valuable individuals who are either learning disabled
or do not test well but who certainly are capable and constructive
members of our community. What kind of message are we sending to our
children when we dismiss someone of Denise's caliber simply because of
government funding guidelines? What happened to standing up for one's
beliefs and going to bat for those who deserve your support?
The bottom line here is that Harwood is losing a very committed teacher
who has been with her students since early childhood and with whom they
have an ongoing relationship of trust and caring. This is what has been
lost. Sad, very sad.
Brink lives in Warren.