We learn through understanding such cause and effect relationships. We learn and thus come to know. And we know because we can measure. For example, 150 years of ever-accelerating pumping and burning of fossil fuels causes carbon dioxide to be released. We know because we can measure the effects: warming temperatures, diminishing snow cover and, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 10 other indicators - with no environmental measurements showing otherwise.

Our universe is just under 14 billion years old and we've learned that the laws of physics and chemistry apply throughout the cosmos. We are experiencing global climate change - some of it very scary. Isn't there cause for some concern about the effects of what we have done, are now and will continue doing? Is my grandfather's prediction looming out there?


Ah, but some are saying fear not - not to worry. A great force has arisen in our country, and this force can nullify the laws of physics and chemistry, and which can by simple declaration alone exempt us from their effects and render this whole matter inoperative and without merit. And that great force is the leadership of the U.S. Republican party. Saying it's not happening; humans are not responsible; nothing needs to be done; it's a hoax and on and on with other denials. The real hoax is the claim that such statements are true. To be fair, denial exists in both parties and elsewhere, but nationally the elephant's trumpet is the loudest noise. The elephant is the world's largest land animal exhibiting the laws of the chemistry of life and the physics of motion, but its political form denies those laws as they affect the air it breathes - to the point of cowing into silence would-be dissidents within its own ranks. We criticize some governments regarding such suppression.

Short-term political gamesmanship has trumped the long-term truths of natural science. A billions-year history is replaced by false fabrications intended to aggrandize self and harm others - in verbal form, my grandfather's prediction already true. For this party, the real problem is that opposing views have it right. Given an agenda to generally obstruct all actions Democratic in origin, agreement with opposing views is a breach in the strategy of stonewalling. Thus, contributing to and capitalizing on lack of knowledge, and appealing to the human weakness to look for easy (non)outs, this party would now have us believe it can challenge and override the integrity of universal orders.
If people are to destroy themselves, ignoring and denying changes in their life support systems is certainly one way it could happen. The colossal folly, naiveté, viciousness and gross lack of learned discipline in this perspective of denial is at least pathetically irresponsible and at most potentially lethal when considering adverse effects on global food and water production systems. That real tragedy - on a global scale - could result from get-the-other-side-at-any-cost politics and should be terrifying. Such is the product of destructive hyper partisanship.

I was a young boy in the room when my grandfather passed away. His times were harder than ours, and despite his thoughts regarding the fate of mankind, he remained true to his respect for family and work ethic values, even though he could no longer make the trip to Fairbanks.

And so should we continue. The short-term perspective speaks to: look away; avoid the obvious; paying the full cost of our lifestyle is too expensive and adjusting it is too inconvenient; give up on trying to change the politics, it's too far away - all scenarios for failure. 

The value of a long-term perspective lies in understanding and accepting that the laws of physics and chemistry will continue to hold and answering the question - but what about our children and grandchildren? For them, and our own well-being, optimism is the high road. Our country's social and economic values remain strong. We can reject droning negativism in favor of learned and inspiring vision. We can seek out and support true leadership over being dragged down by moping politicians. We can draw upon the faith and courage which built this country, this land, and despite its problems, the social, educational, economic and environmental progress it has accomplished.

Metamorphosis is a term describing a stage of life development, moving from a juvenile form to adulthood. An example is when a caterpillar goes through a life-changing process to become a moth or butterfly; transition is a bit messy but orderly, and a beautiful adult will emerge. 

Nationally our political scene is messy and exhibiting juvenile behavior.  Looking to the bright side, maybe that's where we are - in metamorphosis - and we should be demanding that there be an order to it. Let's be there when our children and their children see the beauty and grace of the butterflies.

Leo Laferriere lives in Waitsfield.