Republicans are not afraid to insure all: In fact the only state to insure all was signed by a Republican governor and supported by the current U.S. Republican senator who was a Massachusetts Republican representative. However, republicans are afraid of another out-of-control entitlement that cannot be sustained. The Massachusetts health insurance has cost 10 times the initial predictions in the four short years it's been in place and the state only avoids bankruptcy with bailouts from the federal government. 

The sad fact about Massachusetts and its universal healthcare is that it is tremendously underfunded so you would think good liberals like yourself would do all they can to help. Well, the really good and caring liberals of the Kennedy family actually filed inheritance taxes in Florida, thus denying much needed revenues to those in need in Massachusetts. So many are sick of do-gooders finding ways to spend working stiffs' income, while protecting their wealth. When this new federal entitlement is found to be underestimated by 20 fold, the working stiffs' incomes are where the taxes will be imposed! Unless you think anyone making more than $40k is not a working stiff. 
Next false statement: Insurance companies fill republican coffers. Truth is insurance companies fill Republican and Democrats equally. Oh, by the way, this law greatly benefits the insurance companies. They've declared all along having more young and healthy on the insurance rolls will diminish costs. 
Next foolish assertion: Afraid that most Americans will enjoy insurance coverage the congressmen enjoy; in fact this Congress exempted themselves from this new law. They wouldn't screw themselves with such a horrendous plan!
Any civilized nation has moral duty to take care of its citizens. In fact all our citizens and illegals receive the best care in the world. That is why Canadians, British, Mexicans, etc. come here for treatments they are denied in their own countries. In fact, this bill will ruin coverage and ruin the economy, which will take jobs from these citizens which is a much worse tragedy! It's really shameful to care more about votes than the good of the USA.
Republican administration got us here. I'm sure this will be the whine of this ilk forever! In fact, Congress controls the budget and Congress was controlled by Democrats (Bush's last two years) which created the problems we now have.  See Bill Clinton's first two years with Democrats in control (economy sucked); see last six years with Republicans in control (jobs for all). I hearken back to the fact the state of Massachusetts has underestimated by 10 fold in four short years, estimated 88 million a year, oops real costs one billion a year. Magnify this by the new federal health care law, which is funded for 10 years but only fully available for five years is $1 trillion, so in real dollars by the latest health care experience, it will be $10 trillion; yes, with a T. We'll soon be begging the world for money like Greece. That will really be some great care for the citizens of the USA.
War in Iraq, well, sitting in Vermont, fat, dumb and free, I can see why you think liberating millions from a tyrant is a waste of time and money for the world.  

Medicare and veteran's administration care, you must be joking. VA care is atrocious and Medicare is bankrupt, but to a fool that is success.
Sarah Palin tirade -- I attended (quietly and respectful of free speech) an hour-long speech from some San Francisco liberal, followed by a warm and fuzzy Q&A at the Big Picture Theater (Waitsfield) last year; it was a packed house. The topic: "Why George Bush is Hitler," a 10-point speech carefully laid out with graphics and all, plus the countless other similar liberal displays across the country during Bush's tenure. Now the Republicans are full of vitriol. Can you say utter hypocrite or maybe just ignorant fool?
So, there is a better way to provide health care for all and all want to achieve this goal. Try to understand the facts and get out of the "I'm a great liberal who cares more than everyone else." It's getting old, plus, as the election in Massachusetts proves, the people don't believe your lies anymore.
Some people/organizations (see Bill Gates Foundation, Shriners' Foundation, St. Jude's Hospital, countless more) believe citizens can do more with their money than can be done with the same money after it's filtered through a corrupt government. If this weren't true, all the good liberals of Massachusetts would select the option of paying 5.7 percent tax as opposed to the 5.3 percent (yes, you can optionally pay more taxes there). However, only 5 percent of the tax base elects to give the government more, because they believe they can spend it better.

Paul Shaw lives in Warren and Maynard, MA.