Recently, you received a booklet in the mail. The Annual Report of Waitsfield Town Officers. What it doesn't say on the cover is that it is also the proposed budget for the year 2010. It will become law after the Town Meeting, not before, and you have the power to change what is in it. Your vote against the budget is the only way you can change your property taxes. Your vote is the only way you can voice your dissent against how your money is spent. If you don't attend the meeting and you don't vote, you cannot say anything about how much money you will be asked to pay. I suppose you can bellyache about it after the fact, but if you do nothing then you have given your consent as to how your money is spent. You can continue to support the way your town is run or you can voice your opposition.
Case in point and one that will not be openly discussed at this meeting is Article 3, which gives the select board the right to accept land from homeowners at a loss of tax revenue to our town. The board can accept this land for the following purposes: municipal forest to procure wood products, maintain wildlife habitat, protect water species, and provide forest recreation and for conservation education purposes. 

Recently the select board accepted a parcel of land from a local family. I specifically point out the polo field across from The Valley medical center. Instead of the town collecting the taxes on it, Waitsfield will now have to pay to maintain it because of a woman's dream to keep it pristine. This land was given to the town with restrictions prohibiting any permanent structures on it, nor can we put any events on it which would keep tents or booths on it overnight and thus make it profitable. 

This land will now become a burden to the taxpayer instead of a tax asset. Does this land meet any of Article 3's requirements? Year after year we have entrusted our select board to make decisions for us instead of putting this sort of acquisition before us in a vote. Well I have a dream too -- the Waitsfield Farmers' Market which is on a septic field should be moved to this site with an organic septic system for people to use instead of having to beg our local shop owners to use their facilities. I dream of a place to park so we can get to the farmstands and purchase our goods without blocking our local shop owners from people who want to shop with them. That's what I dream. But that accounts for nothing as long as the select board has the power to make decisions for us.

You have the power to change this. Vote no on Article 3. In the future we should vote on land acquisitions in a special article. And that is not all folks. There is more. There are special appropriations. What is so special about it? Once these organizations get in the budget, they are never challenged again for appropriateness. They are not voted for individually at the town meeting, but they do get on that way, and year after year we have allowed this to continue! Vote no on the Town Budget and make each of these requests a vote at the Town Meeting through the article process. It can be done if you want it to; just say no.
If you are not sure, if you do not understand, if you don't agree, I invite you to call me (496-7036) with any questions regarding our budget before March 2. There isn't much time, but we can make a change worth fighting for -- a right to reduce our taxes and limit the way our town spends our money.

Marie Leotta lives in Waitsfield.