Since the "detainees" do not comply with the Geneva rules they clearly have no protections as POWs, yet our liberal political organization wants to go even further and process them with the same rights and privileges our civilian courts provide to regular citizens of this country. See the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act of 2007 promoted by Patrick Leahy and Arlen Specter. These prisoners are aliens and in most cases have intimate knowledge of military information that can help save our soldiers' lives. They nominally belong to the radical Muslims sworn to carry out their Jihad against the "decadent" Western society by creating terror in the form of suicide bombing the Infidels that don't want to belong to Islam. To aid their violence, they fire from children groups and hospitals, push bound prisoners from rooftops and slowly slice the heads from hostages.

These captured thugs are the worst of the worst, captured in action against our interests, mainly from Iraq and Afghanistan. Our intent is to obtain their military intelligence, difficult to obtain in any other way, to help aid our military efforts in the field. To this end the CIA was authorized to conduct a special interrogation program which allowed for "waterboarding," a form of simulated drowning. The political left immediately called it torture even though the courts have defined torture as "intense, lasting and heinous agony." At any rate, the process proved effective where it was used on a total of three prisoners. Our lefties still shout that the Bush administration was a terrorist regime and demand that Gitmo be closed.

Some of this nonsense, I'm certain, is created by monetary contributions being given to the Democrats by the Trial Lawyers Association which have much to gain from being involved in this issue.

Our new president has signed orders to close the base within 12 months. If this is carried out on schedule, it will shut off our best source of military intelligence, which is almost impossible to obtain in any other way. It is said that infiltrating those whose minds have been radicalized to murdering is not an easy task.

There is no doubt that with Guantanamo out of commission we will be less safe and more lives will be needlessly lost on the battlefield as a result. It is tragic that for political purposes, our Democratic party politicians refuse to separate fact from fiction and make this worldwide war, that the West is in, much more difficult.

Potter lives in Waitsfield.