If you fish, wade, float, or generally amble about anywhere in Vermont rivers you have to clean your gear (waders, boots, canoes, kayaks, shoes) in a two percent bleach or dishwashing detergent solution with hot tap water by soaking all your gear that comes in contact with the water for at least three minutes. Hose off those boats with the bleach solution in a safe area. "Rock Snot" could be anywhere!
Felt soles require 30 minutes in hot water with dishwashing detergent five percent solution or flushing for a minute in a two percent bleach solution. Contrary to the recent articles, drying your gear for 48 hours is not enough time for felt-soled boots to dry.
In New Zealand, they have found didymo spores living in damp felt soles for weeks after they were last used. Clean them in the solution as directed above, and you should be fine to fish and otherwise recreate. "Check, clean, and dry" is the way to go. Getting rid of your felt soles also can help reduce transmission of didymo; try "aqua stealth" or "sticky" soles. Less than five minutes of our time can help keep our fisheries from turning into algae-laden graveyards; and folks, if you don't clean you'll only have yourselves to blame!
I plan to live here for a very long time along the Mad River and want to continue, sometimes in vain, to seek out trout in the Mad's clear depths. I don't want to stare into a brown slimy mess! Let's all do our part to keep out didymo!
Clark Amadon lives in Moretown and is president of MadDog Chapter Trout Unlimited.