By Steve Zonies

It was never my intention to incite a one-on-one debate, especially about an opinion completely unrelated to my primary topic; however, Robin Lehman’s response to my article entitled “Throw the Bums Out” requires a rebuttal.


First, thanks for your 19-word complimentary preface; although, the bulk of your letter to the editor focused on an issue that was not even close to my 1,000-word opinion.

Margaret Thatcher was a very intelligent woman, much more knowledgeable than either of us. Whether that quotation was articulated as a statement of fact, a facetious quip, or both, we will never know for sure. However, her position on Socialism was: “Government support for inefficient industries, punitive taxation, regulation of the labor market, price controls – everything that interfered with the functioning of the free economy." To expound on that, in my humble opinion, any extreme political ideology, whether far left, far right, capitalism, socialism, or whatever, does not, and cannot meet the needs of even most of the people most of the time because we are individuals with different hopes, dreams, aspirations, needs, expectations, goals, abilities, and ambitions.    

One size cannot possibly fit all. Heavy handed government control squelches free thought and creativity. If everyone is compensated the same no matter what his or her contribution to society, there is no personal incentive for excellence, or even improvement.

For the record, I am neither anti-social nor anti-socialist; however, I do support the concepts of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. In spite of our government’s oversights, overspending, inefficiency, etc., they are excellent programs. 

To our elected officials, I say: Vermont is one of only eight states that provides free meals for those in the school system while so many Vermonters struggle to make ends meet and/or go hungry. How dare you impose such a large property tax increase while so many property owners are struggling to repair their homes and businesses after two back-to-back floods and a third last evening. Vermont is the seventh most expensive state in which to live with the ninth highest property rate, in spite of being 22nd from the bottom of the barrel in per-capita income. Research shows that Vermont is one of only three states that has no tax caps on assessment, rate, or levy. Are you legislators really that thoughtless? Inconsiderate? Mathematically challenged? Blind? Clueless? Greedy? Focused only on your own agenda?  There are so many other noble programs that could benefit from financial assistance while the education budget devours the lion’s share, digests some of its value, defecates what’s left (and does not produce expected results. 

Considering the above, and so many other factors, how dare you say you represent us?

I have spoken with many people from several different Vermont communities. Most, by far, are very unhappy, even outraged taxpayers. Only two, from South Burlington, were in favor of the budget because their tax rate increased only 9%. When I pointed out their bargain rate was because ours was 16 %, they understood and agreed.

 Of all 50 states, our Governor Scott has the highest rating!

So, I ask The Valley Reporter: Would you print lists of those legislators who vetoed our governor’s proposal and supported the outlandish double digit tax increase? We, your readers, can clip those lists and bring them to the ballet boxes; so, we can throw the bums out!

Zonies lives in Fayston.