The FEMA representative has information about financial assistance, cleanup procedures, and mitigation. He will be at the headquarters on and off through next week and is available to speak with and direct individuals to resources. Those with questions are encouraged to call 496-6089 first. Relief organizers are also seeking information on people who need help who have not come forward.
Organizers are beginning to work on helping flood victims navigate their way through the FEMA process. Volunteers are needed to work on a team with flood victims as advocates.
Local volunteers are forming teams to organize work parties and match donated services with victims’ needs.
Relief efforts for Hancock and Granville are being coordinated through the Mad River Valley headquarters; Glenn Cooper is the main contact for Hancock relief and Asah Rowles is the contact for Granville. Both coordinators are in communication with town officials and continue to organize volunteer efforts and collection of supplies. The Hancock fire station is being used as headquarters; a Hancock Relief Fund was also recently established.
Coordinators at the Mad River Valley relief headquarters are in touch with Rochester town officials and are awaiting information about specific needs.
disaster recovery was opened at the Waterbury Fire Department located at 43
South Main Street. A representative from FEMA will
be stationed at the Mad River Valley flood relief headquarters at the Masonic
Lodge on Main Street. Volunteer flood support for the Waterbury/Duxbury
area is available at the volunteer/help center at St. Leo’s Hall behind the
Catholic Church at 109 South Main Street.
The Waterbury municipal office was temporarily relocated to the Thatcher Brook Primary School. Contact (802) 244-8447. The police department is temporarily located at 27 Butler Street in the recreation building by the swimming pool. They can be reached by calling the Middlesex State Police at (802) 229-9191; if it is an emergency call 911.
The emergency flood relief information center in Northfield is located downtown in the old Sambel Realty office on the first floor of the Northfield Savings Bank building, opposite the Subway restaurant. Willing volunteers are on-site to assist however they can. The center also has two large bulletin boards that contain index cards; one board for needs and the other board for volunteer services and goods.
Disaster officials encourage those affected by the storms to register with the Federal Emergency Management Agency before visiting a disaster recovery center by calling (800) 621-FEMA (3362), online at or via a web-enabled mobile device at
Multilingual registration assistance is available. Those with a speech disability or hearing loss who use a TTY can call (800) 462-7585 directly; or call (800) 621-3362 if using 711 or Video Relay Service (VRS).
Once someone is registered, staff at a recovery center can quickly review and update applicant information and provide specific answers to individual questions and concerns.
Vermont homeowners and renters interested in low-interest disaster loans may also speak with a representative from the U.S. Small Business Administration. Specialists at the recovery centers can also identify possible help from voluntary agencies or provide disaster-related information to reduce future damage risks.