At the August 22 meeting, John Grenier of Grenier Engineering provided a report which included the preliminary plans and a cost estimate of $278,000 for the project. Grenier recommended that the town order the steel culvert portion of the project in consideration of the lead time for fabrication. 

A motion was approved for a $6,500 down payment along with the order. Approval of the design has been given by both FEMA and the state of Vermont.

Grenier informed town officials that borings and soil testing on Camel’s Hump Road have been completed. VHB of Ferrisburgh is currently putting together options on how to repair the damaged section. It is anticipated that options may be available for review by the end of the week or the beginning of next week. 


Town officials also agreed to make repairs as soon as possible to the upper section of Camel’s Hump Road. The access road to the parking area, popular with hikers and tourists, has been damaged since the storm in April and presents parking congestion issues for residents.


Grenier informed town officials that FEMA guidelines will not cover the Pollander Brook Project. As a result, town officials will focus on stabilizing the site for the coming winter in anticipation of possible funding that may become available next year. 


Town officials were informed that there will be no school bus service available on the southerly section of Crossett Hill Road or on Camel’s Hump Road until repairs are completed. The Crossett Hill Road issue involves the safe access onto Route 100 where a line of site problem has raised concerns. 


Camel’s Hump Road currently has a vehicle weight limit of 10,000 pounds. Chris Koliba, Duxbury's representative on the Harwood Union school board, advised that he would look into the matter.


Road Foreman Steve Manosh reported that he will meet with FEMA representatives this Friday to finalize the town's reimbursement expenses in anticipation of receiving compensation. The town was informed that it needs to submit its request to FEMA along with a letter of what the funds will be used for to move the line of credit application forward. 


Based on quotes provided by the highway foreman, the select board members approved a motion to transport its purchase of winter sand with Newton's Trucking at a cost of $3.25 per yard.


Select board members approved a motion to meet more frequently to facilitate the decision making process for road repair issues. The select board will meet the second and fourth Monday of the month at 6 p.m. until further notice. For more information visit



